
Showing posts from December, 2023

Navigating the Chaos: A Day in My Life as a College-Going Girl in New Delhi

                                                                                                           I am Riya, a college student in Delhi, balancing aspirations and academics amidst the city's perpetual motion. Rise and Shine: The alarm awakes me, signaling the commencement of another challenging day. I eagerly embrace it, slipping into a comfortable yet chic attire, gearing up for the bustling city. Battle with Traffic: The streets erupt into chaos, a symphony of honking horns and weaving vehicles. Traffic rules seems like mere suggestions as I encounter  jostling bikes, rickshaws, and cars, inching towards the lifeline of my daily commute - the metro station. Metro Chronicles: Finding solace in my book amid the crowded train, the clattering becomes a familiar rhythm. It’s my mental sanctuary, a preparation for the day's hustle. Campus Hustle: Stepping onto the tranquil college grounds is a stark contrast from the city's chaos. Yet, amidst classes and assignments, m