Women power - Can you lead "Character-On-Road"?

Dear road users,

Women form 50% of road users. Somewhere deep down in the human psyche, we still believe that taking driver's seat on road is a masculine job and women should not do it. But for a change, women have taken onto the roads as drivers, riders and they are driving taxis, autos, rickshaws in addition to buses. Women equality is increasing in the on-road space and by the next decade, it would be substantially higher than what it is today. A large part of this movement can be attributed to the education, which is considering equality right from the grass-root levels.

But, does this finish there? Women are also the sufferers in the On-road space. If a woman overtakes a guy, she makes herself vulnerable to ogling and jibes by the other vehicle drivers. If she crosses the road, she gets vulnerable to remarks on her sense of dressing up and the colour of her dress, if she takes up a seat in the public transport, every opportunity is waited for, when the seat next to her gets vacated and someone could occupy her. While driving, if she gets a flat tyre, managing jack may not be feasible. Again mocking eyes make her feel more embarrased. And of course, she can't stand at the road side alone -- at any time of the day!

Sukanya foundation has joined hands with Character-on-road to reach out to women and ensure that women can bring forth some ideas which could be supported and incubated by the DTU Innovation and Incubation Foundation. 

Would you like to try to evolve something new or just wait for someone else to do it!


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