Hackathon - Character on Road

Hackathon: Character On Road DTUIIF (DTU Innovation and Incubation Foundation) in association with My Friend My Guide has announced the launch of Hackathon: Character On Road. The hackathon aims to explore solutions to the problems faced by all road users (pedestrians, drivers, passengers, rehri wallahs etc.). School, College and University students can share their ideas and concepts with the panel and shortlisted entries will be given a chance to share their concepts and ideas with the DTU and Industry experts. Upon final selection fo the idea, the winning teams will earn handsome cash prizes and an opportunity of initiation of incubation and technological support to set up their business. 

There are a wide range of challenges on Indian roads today. Horn honking, wrong side overtaking, Highbeak driving, tail gating, misbehaving with fellow road users etc.. If one starts making a list of the challenges faced on road, it would mean a long list, where all road users are victims of On road misconduct. Do you think you can think of a solution? If yes, Character-on-road hackathon is the right place for you. Your idea is your unique property and we shall honour the originality of the idea on the "First-come-first-served" basis. 

The round 1 is open till 30 Sep. All entries of round 1 shall be scrutinised and evaluated by the expert panel and shortlisted entries will be invited for an interactive presentation to the panel at Delhi Technological University campus. The ideas found suitable by the ppanel will be taken up for incubation and innovation support. So, if you have unique idea on the stated topic, kindly visit our site www.CharacterOnRoad.com and register for free. Our team shall connect with you and guide you over in the process! Who knows you could be the Character-On-Road innovation champion that launches your successful startup! Good luck!


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