Character On Road - Women Special

India as a country is very competitive. It is like someone is there ahead of us and we have to wait for our turn. It starts right before the birth. Finding a suitable nursing home to be borne and after death, waiting at the cremation ground for the pyre to be lit, it is all competition. We always tend to move faster and faster, move ahead, overtake others and emerge victorious (nobody knows who are we competing against). 

Though being competitive is nice in the right field, however, short sighted behaviour at times becomes a pain for the others. Women become soft targets at times. "Paapa ki pari" is often ridiculed for her driving habits. Two-wheeler or four wheeler, it is taken as a fortitude of the males, but, there are women who have taken upon themselves to bear the responsibility and ownership of their movement. Cars, two-wheelers, school vans and now e-rickshaws are some of the citadels which women have broken into and we believe that equality on road will be easier and faster to achieve. But, when it comes to safety, a lot is still to be done. Eve-teasing, chain snatching, groping, rape etc are still some fears that women are not too comfortable against. 

A subtle fear of being the target of leching eyes, wagging tongues etc looms large in their minds as they step out of their house, particularly after the Sun-set. Hackathon, Character-On-Road, brings an opportunity to identify and explore solutions through technology, which can help in developing overall comfort and safety of women on roads. Drivers, pedestrians, passengers anyone can be a beneficiary. Your solution could initiate from stages of handheld devices, to technology enabled apps, from developing a community to being self empowered. We are all there to explore your idea and give it adequate technology and incubation support, as per the need. DTU Innovation and Incubation Foundation in association with My Friend My Guide is exploring ideas which can be developed and leveraged to create sustainable business concepts/products/services.


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